
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7849 From: carlcnc Date: 7/4/2013
Subject: auto zero
That auto Z touchoff file you helped me with works fine, but
at the end it sets Z to zero in machine coordinates

I would like it to set to Z zero in G54[or any active offset]
and not overwrite the G53/machine position.

Is that doable?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7850 From: TK Date: 7/4/2013
Subject: Re: auto zero
How about the G92 offset?  (Like the Zero button next to the Z DRO). That will not affect the G53 machine coordinates. 


On Jul 4, 2013, at 8:46 AM, "carlcnc" <carlcnc@...> wrote:


That auto Z touchoff file you helped me with works fine, but
at the end it sets Z to zero in machine coordinates

I would like it to set to Z zero in G54[or any active offset]
and not overwrite the G53/machine position.

Is that doable?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 7854 From: carlcnc Date: 7/4/2013
Subject: Re: auto zero
that is what I told my customer to do, but of course that's
"one more click"
you probably wouldn't be surprised that I get asked things like
"why doesn't the machine know how thick my material is "??
isn't there an app for that??

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, TK <tk@...> wrote:
> How about the G92 offset? (Like the Zero button next to the Z DRO). That will not affect the G53 machine coordinates.
> TK
> On Jul 4, 2013, at 8:46 AM, "carlcnc" <carlcnc@...> wrote:
> >
> > Tom
> > That auto Z touchoff file you helped me with works fine, but
> > at the end it sets Z to zero in machine coordinates
> >
> > I would like it to set to Z zero in G54[or any active offset]
> > and not overwrite the G53/machine position.
> >
> > Is that doable?
> > thanks
> > Carl
> >
> >
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7855 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 7/4/2013
Subject: Re: auto zero
Hi Carl,

Well, I asked because it is easier to do a SetZero from KFLOP than to change the Fixture offsets and re-apply them (I asked to see if that was acceptable functionality not to tell him/her to push the button).

You can add this function call to your probe program:


But you need to add two helper functions into your program called:

int DoPC(int cmd);
int DoPCFloat(int cmd, float f);

These compiler definitions need to be added before your main function and the "bodies" of these functions need to be added as well (anywhere except inside your main function - at the end of your file is best)

See the example C Programs\KFLOPtoPCCmdExamples.c
